Frequently Asked Questions

Trash pick-up is on Tuesdays and Recycling is on Fridays. Place bins at the curb no earlier than 8pm the night prior. If those days fall on a holiday, then the pick-up date will be adjusted. Click here to see the City of Temple trash collection schedule.
Bulk trash is collected on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. There is no bulk recycling pick-up.
Yes. Please include that information in your architectural request to the property management team.
At the beginning of each quarter. January 1st, April 1st, July 1st, October 1st. Current dues are $85 per quarter. Dues can be paid here.
Temple Windmill Farms does not have any pre-approved paint colors. All painting must be approved in advance with an architectural request form.
Bins must be stored out of sight. For residents that would like to build a structure to store their bins outside of the garage or backyard, submit your request to the architectural committee.

Yes. Although the original rules for the neighborhood prohibited it, solar panels are allowed; however, a TWMF Architectural request form must be submitted and approved prior to commencing the work.

The pool is open from 4:30 am – 8:00 am for lap swim. The pool re-opens from 10:00 am – 10:00 pm Tuesdays through Saturday. Sunday hours are from 10:00 am – 8:00 pm. The pool is closed for maintenance on Mondays, unless the Monday is a holiday (example: Memorial Day) then it will be open. The maintenance day will fall on Tuesday of that week. For a list of the pool opening and closing dates, please refer to the HOA calendar here.
Call or email our property management team CSA at 512-453-6566 or associations@csarealtygroup.com.
Unfortunately the Temple Windmill Farms CCRs do not address shared fences. The idea that whichever homeowner has the smooth or “pretty” side facing their property owns the fence is not correct. Some neighbors in the past have shared the cost of replacing the shared fence while others may have taken on the whole cost if they were installing a complete new fence.

The following is an excerpt from texaslawhelp.org which may help clarify the question. The Windmill Farms HOA advises homeowners to seek their own counsel on this matter if needed. The WMF HOA assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of texaslawhelp.org. The information contained in texaslawhelp.org is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness.

“If a fence is located entirely on your neighbor’s property, the fence is considered to be the exclusive property of your neighbor. Consequently, unless you have entered into an enforceable agreement with your neighbor or certain deed restrictions mandate that fences be erected and divide responsibilities among neighbors, you are not obligated to fix the fence on your neighbor’s property, nor can you compel your neighbors to fix their fence. On the other hand, if the fence is on your property, it is your responsibility to fix it, though your neighbor cannot compel you to replace the fence. If the fence was originally installed on your neighbor’s property but fell on to your property as a result of the storm, you can remove the fence from your property in the same way you can move trees and limbs from your property.”

“If the fence is on the boundary line between both properties, both property owners own the fence as long as both “use” it, unless an agreement indicates otherwise. Thus, you and your neighbor would share the cost of repairing and replacing the fence. Check local ordinances for the applicable definition of “use”.”
According to the Texas Department of Transportation website, TxDOT only has jurisdiction over setting speed limits on the state highway system. Questions about speed limits on city streets or county roads should be directed to the transportation departments of these local governments.
In order to reduce the speed limit in the neighborhood, a resident would have to request a Neighborhood Traffic Calming Study be performed by the city. Requests would need to be directed to the Director of Public Works via the procedures laid out here.